Sunday, March 19, 2017
Some Sci-Fi Stuff
Here are a couple sci-fi things I made a weirdo energy glove thingy and a phasing energy scarf. I may make up some stats for my current game I am running in meatspace: Numenera. As always, I dig comments, questions, and suggestions.
What I wear is an expression of who I am.
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A knife dancer. Art By: Me |
Author's Note:
Here is more information about
the Manukari, a group I have based upon: the Romani, Indian Culture,
and Noh & Kabuki theater. I have also included 4 magic pieces of head-wear that are commonly used by the Manukari. The first post about
the Manukari can be found at this LINK. The Manukari are part of the
Dreamland setting I am slowly working on, which can be found at this
LINK. The systems I used to make the magic items are: OSR / LotFP / AD&D, Into the Odd, and Pits & Perils. I am willing to convert these things to over systems by request. As always, I look forward to any comments, suggestions, or
questions you may have.
Who Are They Really?
They are like any
other group of people, filled with saints and monsters while the
majority live between. There are those who revel in the richness of
their own culture, while others forsake it for another. In the end,
they are human, and in being so have no single story, but rather a
multitude from every individual.
A common factor, as
common as individuality would allow, is a love for dance and music.
One might blame the blood and its influence of genes, while others
might point to culture, however, the Manukari hold that it is their
souls that call them to love the rhythm of step and strum.
Their magic is based
in song and dance, and from it they are capable of wonders both
terrible and great. Accordingly, their arcane crafts are focused upon
song, dance, and pageantry. One might find these creations in bazaars
in far lands, or pawned in dingy shops nearby. While at one time they
held their creations dear, their fall from grace has lead to times
that become leaner by the day.
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A Manukari child dressed in traditional clothing. Art By: Me |
With the youth
abandoning their caravan homes for sessile life in cities, the
nomadic families have become thinner with years. In the hopes that
new blood might reinvigorate the Manukari culture, the elders have
been allowing those who prove to possess an Atmamanu (a Manukari wise
soul) to join their families. Others who assist the families, and
show honor, are allowed to journey through the lands with them, or
are given rare gifts as a sign of the Manukari's favor.
Perhaps you might
hear more of these vibrant, but enigmatic people, perhaps not. A
storyteller tells stories as their mood strikes them, and this one
may wish to remain silent on the tales of the Manukari. What is less
perplexing is their arcane crafts, which I lay before you, an
offering for you to take or leave as you please.
and Masks
Part of the Manukari
culture when concerning dance and song is pageantry. It is not merely
enough to dance and make music, one must show outward signs of the
message being communicated. Each headdress or mask is linked to a set
of dances, each set having its own theme. To gain the benefits of
these magical crafts one must dance or make music for a short time
before the piece awakens to bestow its blessing. The amount of time
needed in order to awake the headdress or mask differs from piece to
piece. It is up to the GM/System as to what constitutes a successful
roll to dance/make music.
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Head-Wear of the Manukari. Art By: Me |
I – Headdress
of Thana Muse of the Dead
This headdress is
used during funeral rites, at the bedsides of the dying, and places
where the dead have become restless.
/ AD&D / LotFP
Requirement: 5
Duration: 1
Those in a 10 foot
radius of the wearer are immune to the pains caused by death, though
not the effects themselves.
Those in a 10 foot
radius of the wearer (including the wearer) are receive a bonus to
their saves versus necromantic or death effects. +1 at 1st
level of the wearer, and another +1 for every 4 levels after the 1st.
The wearer gains a
bonus to their AC against undead creatures. +1 at 1st
level of the wearer, and another +1 for every 3 levels after the 1st.
The wearer is
capable of striking incorporeal undead with any weapon they are
wielding as if the undead was corporeal.
the Odd
Requirement: 5
Duration: 1
Those in a 10 foot
radius of the wearer are immune to the pains caused by death, though
not the effects themselves.
Those in a 10 foot
radius of the wearer (including the wearer) are receive a bonus to
their saves versus Arcana and other supernatural effects that drain
Strength or effect the soul of the individual. At Novice the
bonus is +1, the bonus increases to +2 at Expert, and +3 at Master.
The wearer gains a
bonus to their armor against undead creatures. At Novice the
bonus is +1, the bonus increases to +2 at Expert, and +3 at Master.
The wearer is
capable of striking incorporeal beings with any weapon they are
wielding as if the being was corporeal.
& Perils
Requirement: 5
Duration: 1
Those in a 10 foot
radius of the wearer are immune to the pains caused by death, though
not the effects themselves.
Those in a 10 foot
radius of the wearer (including the wearer) are receive a bonus to
their saves versus necromantic or death effects. +1 at 1st
level of the wearer, and another +1 for every 4 levels after the 1st.
The wearer gains a
bonus to their Hits when attacked by undead creatures. +1 at 1st
level of the wearer, and another +1 for every 2 levels after the 1st.
(Hits lost only refresh if the the headdress is reactivated).
The wearer is
capable of striking incorporeal undead with any weapon they are
wielding as if the undead was corporeal.
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A dancer wearing a Mask of Shivsa. Art By: Me |
– Mask of Shivsa Muse of Blades
mask is warn by those who guard the Manukari caravans, or during the
rare instances a family caravan goes to war. Those who wear these
masks tend to wield long-knives and shorts-words.
/ AD&D / LotFP
Requirement: 1
Turn (10 Rounds)
Duration: 4
wearer gains a bonus to AC in combat. At 1st
level the bonus is +1, this bonus increases by +1 for every 4 levels
after the 1st.
wearer gains a bonus to-hit with Slashing weapons. At 1st
level the bonus is +1, this bonus increases by +1 for every 3 levels
after the 1st.
wearer gains a +50% bonus to their movement rate.
the Odd
Requirement: 10
Duration: 4
wearer gains a bonus to their Armor in combat. At Novice
the bonus is +1, the bonus
increases to +2 at Expert, and +3 at Master.
damage die of Slashing weapons wielded by the wearer increases by 1
step, even when impaired the lowest damage a Slashing weapon may do
is 1D6.
wearer gains a +50% bonus to their movement rate.
& Perils
Requirement: 1
Turn (10 Rounds)
Duration: 4
wearer gains a bonus to their Hits in combat. At 1st
level the bonus is +1, this bonus increases by +1 for every 3 levels
after the 1st.
(Hits lost only refresh if the the headdress is reactivated).
wearer gains a bonus to-hit with Slashing weapons. At 1st
level the bonus is +1, this bonus increases by +1 at level 8.
wearer gains a +50% bonus to their movement rate.
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A dancer wearing an unnamed mask. Art By: Me |
– Mask of Kossa Muse of the Wounded
mask is worn by healers and doctors, granting them the ability to
heal fresh wounds, aide the poisoned and sick, as well as regenerate
lost limbs (though at a cost to themselves).
/ AD&D / LotFP
Requirement: Any
Duration: The
benefits of the mask only function while the wearer is dancing, plus
for 1 round afterward.
Those in a 10 foot
radius of the wearer (including the wearer) heal 1 point of damage
per round.
Those in a 10 foot
radius of the wearer (including the wearer) are receive a bonus to
their saves versus poison and disease. +1 at 1st level of
the wearer, and another +1 for every 3 levels after the 1st.
The wearer gains a
bonus to their AC while dancing. +1 at 1st level of the
wearer, and another +1 for every 3 levels after the 1st.
The wearer is
capable of regenerating the lost limbs of others, however each time
this is done the wearer loses a digit off their hands or feet. While
this may be done a few number of times without ill effects, too many
fingers lost will mean an individual is unable to hold items, while
the loss of a big toe will severely effect someone's balance. When
the digits are lost, the individual feels no pain, and a smooth patch
of skin is left where the digit once was.
the Odd
Requirement: Any
Duration: The
benefits of the mask only function while the wearer is dancing, plus
for 1 round afterward.
Those in a 10 foot
radius of the wearer (including the wearer) heal 1 point of damage
per round. This healing does not effect points lost from stats.
Those in a 10 foot
radius of the wearer (including the wearer) are receive a bonus to
their saves versus poison and disease. At Novice the bonus is
+1, the bonus increases to +2 at Expert, and +3 at Master.
The wearer gains a
bonus to their armor while dancing. At Novice the bonus is
+1, the bonus increases to +2 at Expert, and +3 at Master.
The wearer is
capable of regenerating the lost limbs of others, however each time
this is done the wearer loses a digit off their hands or feet. While
this may be done a few number of times without ill effects, too many
fingers lost will mean an individual is unable to hold items, while
the loss of a big toe will severely effect someone's balance. When
the digits are lost, the individual feels no pain, and a smooth patch
of skin is left where the digit once was.
& Perils
Requirement: Any
Duration: The
benefits of the mask only function while the wearer is dancing, plus
for 1 round afterward.
Those in a 10 foot
radius of the wearer (including the wearer) 1 Hit of damage per
Those in a 10 foot
radius of the wearer (including the wearer) are receive a bonus to
their saves versus poison and disease. +1 at 1st level of
the wearer, and another +1 for every 4 levels after the 1st.
The number required
to hit the character while they are dancing increases by 1. 10 to 12
for 1 Hit and 13 for 2 Hits. This increase means that only
individuals and monsters with bonuses to-hit are capable of scoring 2
Hits on the dancer.
The wearer is
capable of regenerating the lost limbs of others, however each time
this is done the wearer loses a digit off their hands or feet. While
this may be done a few number of times without ill effects, too many
fingers lost will mean an individual is unable to hold items, while
the loss of a big toe will severely effect someone's balance. When
the digits are lost, the individual feels no pain, and a smooth patch
of skin is left where the digit once was.
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An unmasked Manukari woman. Art By: Me |
IV – Headdress
of Tellov Muse of Ways and Roads
These headdresses
are worn by caravan masters/mistresses, as well as those assigned to
guide members of the Manukari.
/ AD&D / LotFP
Requirement: 5
Duration: 2
within 10 feet of the wearer is able to see perfectly in any natural
lighting condition, be it low-light or complete darkness.
wearer is able to see perfectly through any type of darkness, even
magical darkness. Furthermore, the wearer may see through fog and
smoke without hindered.
wearer is enabled to find the shortest, most direct route that he or
she is seeking, be it the way to or from or out of a locale. The
locale can be outdoors or underground, a trap but not from spells
like the maze spell. The ability will enable the wearer to select the
correct direction which will eventually lead him or her to egress,
the exact path to follow (or actions to take).
the Odd
Requirement: 5
Duration: 2
within 10 feet of the wearer is able to see perfectly in any natural
lighting condition, be it low-light or complete darkness.
wearer is able to see perfectly through any type of darkness, even
magical darkness. Furthermore, the wearer may see through fog and
smoke without hindered.
wearer is enabled to find the shortest, most direct route that he or
she is seeking, be it the way to or from or out of a locale. The
locale can be outdoors or underground, a trap but not from
confinement created through supernatural means. The ability will
enable the wearer to select the correct direction which will
eventually lead him or her to egress, the exact path to follow (or
actions to take).
& Perils
Requirement: 5
Duration: 2
within 10 feet of the wearer is able to see perfectly in any natural
lighting condition, be it low-light or complete darkness.
wearer is able to see perfectly through any type of darkness, even
magical darkness. Furthermore, the wearer may see through fog and
smoke without hindered.
wearer is enabled to find the shortest, most direct route that he or
she is seeking, be it the way to or from or out of a locale. The
locale can be outdoors or underground, a trap but not from spells
like the maze spell. The ability will enable the wearer to select the
correct direction which will eventually lead him or her to egress,
the exact path to follow (or actions to take).
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
And they wept upon the shores of dream and memory.
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The Dance of Edges and Blades. Art By: Me |
Author's Note:
Here is a legend of the
Manukari, a group I have based upon: the Romani, Indian Culture, and
Noh & Kabuki theater. I plan on expanding on them further, but I
wanted to present this part to see what others think. This culture is
an expansion on my Dreamland setting (LINK). I would really dig
hearing your opinion as well as suggestions for possible sources of
Left behind to dance
the dance of dreams and sing the songs of sleep, performing along
waking shores of Rem. Once nobility in the court of a dreaming king,
grand lords and ladies, their right to rule founded in a talent for
expression. Each bent knee and will to the wounded poet king Eoin
Leutz, a lord lamed by a mundane world made hard by casual cruelty.
King Eoin with his
wise court in tow crossed the world, collecting creators whom mundane
society had little use for. They became an avalanche of dances,
stories, and music as they moved over countrysides made almost
monochrome in earthen hues. Towns, bored as any place mired in the
mundane, celebrated their coming and became melancholy at their
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I think I may start making collages again. Collage By: Me |
In time the king and
his court became too wondrous for a quotidian world, soon finding
themselves on the shores of the Rem Sea. Upon its prismatic waters,
the pier-city of Traumstadt was founded, the stone of its
construction mined from the petrified bodies of stillborn gods.
Having never emerged completely from the waters of birth, the dead
deities stood like small mountains out of dream waters.
Wounded in both
spirit and flesh, the king soon grew tired of his city, wanting for
better lands on which to gain respite. Taking half his court with
him, he set off across the dreaming waters to find a true Dreamland,
one that did more than merely act as a border to sleep. Leaving
incredible wealth to those who remained, a wealth he refused to tell
of its acquisition, he left for places that may have only been
King Eoin's final
commandment: dance, sing, and speak of fine things, call to the
dreams of all until the king calls. There, upon the shores of Rem,
those that remained sat a wept when they remembered their king. Soon
their tears would run bitter, as they were made paupers from
Eoin had left
Bahram, his bastard son born of a dalliance between the king and a
living poem, to reign over those remaining who had taken to calling
themselves the Manukari. Soon, Bahram's heart was made dark through
the whispers of Marchen, turning him from the Manukari. Tales twist
into arenas both true and false when called to make testament of the
nature of Marchen: some say man and others woman, some speak of one
and others many, some say old while others speak of youth.
Bahram cast out the
Manukari from Traumstadt, calling them thieves and lairs in tones
that the people would believe. Now, made to survive by hand and wit
alone, they wait for their king upon the shores of Rem, at times
weeping for his memory.
Sunday, March 12, 2017
To be both insignificant and great, is to be a god.
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I like the color version I did of this better... |
So, I wasn't really happy with the general style of the last picture, after reading about the origins of the Romani. Fun fact: according to genetic research done in 2012 they most likely originated from what is now North-Western India. So, I am going for a much more Eastern Indian look. This pic is of a 'knife dancer' who fulfills the roll of guardian, entertainer, clown, and philosopher in the Manukari culture (butchered Sanskrit: Manu - Wise, Kari - Artist). So, if anyone is actually fluent in Sanskrit, I would be very grateful for a correct translation of what I am going for here. I have worked on some more weird musical instruments, and I am in the process of making ceremonial headdresses/headpieces/masks. Having studied quite a bit of Hindu philosophy in college, I really ought to do more with the culture in my writing, since its woefully underrepresented in RPG's. So, yeah... The game I run got canceled for tomorrow night, so I should be ready to post by tomorrow. Let me know what you think!
Saturday, March 11, 2017
I shall dance the dance of life
So, I tried a more classic comic-book style with this pic. This is a member of the people who are the makers of the weird musical instruments. I have yet to come up with a name for them, though I am basing them on the Romani due to the close association of music with their culture. I plan on using the Romani mythology as a basis for their origins. So yeah, if you have any recommendations or suggestions for improvement, please let me know!
Thursday, March 9, 2017
I shall strum the strings of fate itself to lull the Norns to sleep
Just a couple strange instruments I made for a possible musically based post later. As always, I am open to whatever folks may have to say.
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
A good composer does not imitate, he steals.
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Weird stringed instrument heads. Art By: Me |
Author's Note: Above
is a few sketches for a random generator I am working on: a random
stringed instrument generator. I want to create a generator that has
multiple different instrument heads, necks, and bodies, with each
part granting a different minor ability. As you can see from the
first 'head', I took the term very literally, and then ran with the
idea: this thing I did with the 'head' will come into play later in
the article. In this article I talk about a couple books that I think
have some awesome advice for people who actively create new things,
and want those things to be noticed by the wider world. Later in the
article I lay out one technique I use to come up with my own weird
ideas. I
really would dig hearing about how you go about getting your
inspiration, or anything you do as part of your own creative process.
So, please, leave a comment and let me know how you do those awesome
things you do.
So... Why did I write this post?
In my constant pursuit of becoming a
better writer and creator, I have read a couple short books written
to help me in my quest. Both books are by Austin Kleon: Steal Like
an Artist and Show Your Work. Steal Like an Artist focuses
on how to find inspiration and how to apply it to your own work. Show
Your Work focuses on getting noticed on the net, and how to do it in
a way that builds up a community and not just yourself.
I won't give away all the secrets of
these two books, because Austin Kleon deserves the money he gets from
the sale of these things. They both are short, and are filled with a
lot of why-didn't-I-think-of-that information. Some of the stuff you
may already know, but unless you're already an expert, you'll at
least find some new and valuable information.
What I am going to do is cover a couple
ideas presented in the books in the hopes that they can help others
in creating and sharing their work.
Ideas are like Lego's: you can't make new one's, but you can combine them to create an infinity of new works. |
Do then
teach, wash rinse repeat
One of the central theme's in 'Show Your Work' is that successful
creators don't hide their techniques, rather they share them. He
gives quite a few examples of famous folks who make it a point to
share their 'trade secrets', and how doing so has made them even more
successful. One reason to do this is by sharing your techniques,
other folks may be able to give you advice on how to improve them.
Another reason is that by helping others you can help foster a
community of like minded folks, which can be an awesome resource for
yourself and everyone else when it comes time to start making stuff.
Really, go buy the book, because its advice is great.
So, now I am going to go over tool/technique I use to come up with
Steal. Steal every concept and idea you come in contact with, and
hide it in a notebook. I carry a notebook around (a moleskine because
I am a wannabe hipster/pretentious) wherever I go and write down cool
ideas I see, or weird ones that come to me. 75% percent of the stuff
in my notebook will never see the light of day again, but that's
okay. The idea is that you hoard every idea you encounter, so that
when it comes time to come up with something new, you will never be
at a loss.
Naturally, concerns about plagiarism will bounce through your head as
you read this, but have no fear, I have an answer for this. Steal a
lot, then mix it together. Wanna know something? There hasn't been a
truly new idea for at least a century, if not more; look hard enough,
and you'll find that someone came up with the basis for the idea you
just had more than a century before you were born. What matters is
how you combine ideas, and how you present them.
Think of ideas and concepts as Lego’s, little pre-made bits that
you can combine in so many different ways that you might as call it
infinite. There are so many creative and incredible things being made
by the Lego fan community, I recommend you look some of the stuff up
to see how folks can express themselves using pre-made objects.
So, back to the YOINK. Steal all the stuff you think is cool, and
then combine them, more than likely you do it already subconsciously.
The main idea is steal a lot of stuff, and combine as many as
possible into one project; the more ideas in a single project the
more original it will be.
One thing I like doing to get ideas is to take metaphor and simile
literally. Here are some examples of how my technique works.
“The café was like a battleship stripped for action.” The Sun
Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway.
Ideas: Weird industrial cafe (maybe in a factory). A cafe in a
metal boat (maybe re-purposed?). A metropolitan city, filled with hip
places like clubs and cafes, built from and into an old/ancient
gigantic battleship.
“...and they turned back over the plain toward the rocket, whose
ports gleamed afar like a row of staring eyes.” The Lotus Eaters by
Stanley G. Weinbaum.
Ideas: So a rocket is kinda like a tower, so perhaps a tower
covered with eyes that stare out. A fleshy/biological tower, the
tower being a single creature, a creature grown for a specific
purpose. An artificial structure, the eyes acting like stylized laser
cannons; maybe the eye theme is there as part of a religious
“Scrawled mounds of stone, like mountain waves, seemed to roll
up to steep bare slopes and towers.” Riders of the Purple Sage by
Zane Grey.
Ideas: An ancient and deserted city, buildings built onto one
another in ever growing peaks. The city itself is the size of a small
mountain range.
I am going to periodically write these things in the hopes of helping
others, and for others to help me improve my own techniques. As I
stated before, I really would dig hearing about how you go about
getting your inspiration, or anything you do as part of your own
creative process. So, please, leave a comment and let me know how you
do those awesome things you do.
Sunday, March 5, 2017
Punk Rock is the freedom to create
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Inspired by Wendy O and Joan Jet. Art By: Me |
Author's Note: Well,
here we are again kind reader, another insane and weird monster by
me. This monster is a Rebellion Conceptual, a physical representation
of a concept. This particular conceptual is geared towards rebellion
against an industrial/mass-produced society. I drew inspiration for
this monster from the music of some of the Punk Rock greats (Black
Flag, The Clash, The Dead Milkmen, The Ramones, and The Plasmatics).
This particular monster is linked to the Factory City (Work in
Progress) [LINK] and the Noir Weights [LINK] settings I have made.
Both settings are heavily influenced by a wide range of artists,
though Noir Weights was mostly influenced by Tom Waits. Check them
out if you are interested in strange and awesome music. I used
Pathfinder as well as OSR/AD&D/LotFP to create this monster,
though I am open to making other versions for other systems if I get
a request from someone. Normally, I would include Pits & Perils,
but this monster is really outside the main theme of the game. The
art belongs to me, the photos do not. As always, I appreciate all
comments, critiques and suggestions.
Links to Songs I Drew Inspiration From
The Puking Song - Dead
Milkmen (YouTube Link)
London Calling - The
Clash (YouTube Link)
Bad Brain - The
Ramones (YouTube Link)
Rise Above - Black
Flag (YouTube Link)
Masterplan –
Plasmatics (YouTube Link)
I've Had it With -
Black Flag (YouTube Link)
Tired, young, and already broken by years of work in
Factory City: digits chewed off by hungry machines, back muscles
strained from endless shifts of heavy lifting, lungs scarred from the
chemical fumes and cigarettes smoked to stay sane. These youth stare
up at the ceiling before falling into a sleep that ends too soon,
minds churning around the idea of endings and the forms they can
A night without special occasion, a broken laborer
laying in bed, dreams smothered in weariness both mental and
physical. Slicing through the darkness of dreamlessness, a single
note reverberating through a forgotten part of the soul, the part
that was able to scream 'Fuck You' to Authority itself. A sound, a
'G' note somewhere between the whine of a violin and the scream of a
saw blade.
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Yep... Just a factory. Art By: Me |
The note cuts, a surgeons blade, excising the tired
portions of the soul, replacing the lost parts with anger, with the
need to say 'No'. The note heals, an apothecary's balm,
reinvigorating the part of the youthful soul that once cried out for
exploration and hope. The note ignites, an arsonist's matchbook,
bringing back the anger at a world filled with inconsistent rules and
greedy leaders.
As the essential form of the body is changed, so too its
accidental form mutates to fit this new modality. Limbs gain a
strength beyond what they once possessed in their prime, skin
regaining health as well as vibrant and unnatural hue. The head now a
totem, an object whose use could be turned towards rebellion: a
television to show the truth, a microphone to amplify the truth,
perhaps a lighter to burn truth into flesh.
Changed, they awaken to a speakers blare above their
beds, calling them to a shift that will go unattended on this day and
all those to follow. Filled with a need for change as great as thirst
in a desert, they find a weapon waiting for them in a glory that
would rival Excalibur's presentation to a boy king. A stringed
instrument, a microphone, a set of drums, strange at first sight, but
instantly familiar in their hands. This is how they will kill
Authority, this is how the rebellion starts.
Armed, and now different, they grab what cigarettes that
are left and the bottle of rotgut they've squirreled away for a
'special occasion', and then head into the concrete hallways of
Factory City to fuck it all up only to burn it all down later. Maybe
they'll find a gang of Headless, always at war with Management, or
perhaps they'll wage their own war. Sometimes rebellion is a team
sport, sometimes it's a fight against everyone else in the world.
In Plain Language
These folks are Rebellion Conceptuals, the living
embodiment of the concept of rebellion; a conceptual is to a concept
what an elemental is to an element. While rebellion can take many
forms, in a industrial/mass-produced setting it takes on the forms
and tropes of everything 'Punk'. They are about tearing down
oppressive authority through aggression and disobedience, forgoing
social norms in the hopes of shocking others out of their stupor.
Like all rebellions, a Rebellion Conceptual tends to
have a short lifespan, burning brightly to die in a hail of glorious
violence, or to fade away when they finally succeed. Whatever the
case may be, they are focused on there here and now, looking to bring
about the most change possible in the quickest way possible.
They start out a memetic creatures, having no form or
substance, floating around in a shared consciousness that all sapient
beings take part in. Their physical form comes from an individual too
tired to fight, but too alive not to be angry. The conceptual comes
to the person in a dream, and makes an offer without words that
amounts to, “Let me live in you, and I'll give you everything you
need to fight THEM. You won't live long, but you'll change the
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Wendy O was f-ing awesome. |
Those angry enough to take the deal are changed forever,
and become agents of violent change. Those that deny the deal are
left to live the rest of their lives as they see fit. Though the
conceptual doesn't directly control the individual they now inhabit,
they do influence the person's behavior by enhancing their sense of
outrage and anger at Authority, ensuring they will pick a fight with
it whenever they can. Sometimes the individual will work with others,
sparking full-scale riots, other times they may work alone, killing
as many guards and managers before their inevitable and violent
While these creatures are designed for my Factory City
Setting (LINK), they can be used easily with an industrial type
setting. With some fluff alterations, they could be used in a fantasy
setting against a tyrant monarch or evil wizard.
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Punk may be dead, but now so are a lot of people. Art By: Me |
/ DnD 3.X
CR 7
XP 3,200
CN Medium outsider (Native)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12
AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 17 (+2 deflection, +2 Dex,
+1 dodge, +5 natural)
hp 86 (9d10+36); fast healing 3
Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +8
Resist: Electricity 10, Fire 10;
Damage Reduction: 5 / Authority (If the
conceptual takes damage from an authority figure for the area they
are in (guard, manager, rightful ruler, etc..), that damage is
reduced by 5)
SR: 18
Gonna Rise Above: The
conceptual is immune to fear (magical or otherwise). Each ally within
10 feet of her/him gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against
fear effects. This ability functions only while the conceptual is
conscious, not if he/she is unconscious or dead.
Masterplan: The
conceptual is completely immune to all charm, enchantments, or any
compulsion effects that would compel them to do something they didn't
want to do. Each ally within 10 feet of her/him gains a +4 morale
bonus on saving throws against these same effects. This ability
functions only while the conceptual is conscious, not if he/she is
unconscious or dead.
Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 slams +15 (1d6+6), or Musical Weapon Smash +15 /
+10 (Two-Handed 2D6+8)
Special: If the individual attacked is an
authority figure for the area they are in (guard, manager, rightful
ruler, etc..) the attack does an additional +2D6 damage Chaos aligned
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks
Factory City Calling 4/Day:
Slamming their musical instrument over the head of an authority
figure, the rebellion conceptual smites the individual. This ability
only works against an authority figure for the area (guard, manager,
rightful ruler, etc..). This ability adds +5 to-hit and +9 to damage
and may use this ability as part of a normal attack.
The Puking Song 4/Day:
Striking the ultimate 'brown-note' the sends a sickening wave of
sound that strikes the body leaving bruised and sickened. The wave
has a 30ft cone-shaped burst that does 5D6 points of sonic damage and
leaves any creature in the area Nauseated for 2D6 rounds. A
successful Fortitude Save (DC 19) reduces the damage by ½ and
reduces the Nauseated condition to Sickened. The Puking Song cannot
breach an area of magical silence.
Bad Brain 4/Day:
Strumming / Beating Out / Screaming a confusing set of tones and
notes, the conceptual sends out a wave of mind bending sounds. The
wave has a 30ft cone-shaped burst that does 5D6 points of sonic
damage and leaves any creature in the area Confused for 2D6 rounds. A
successful Will Save (DC 19) reduces the damage by ½ and negates the
Confusion. The Bad Brain cannot breach an area of magical silence.
I've Had it With 4/Day:
Braying out notes of rage and frustration, the conceptual sends out a
wave of pure anger at its opponents. The wave has a 30ft cone-shaped
burst that does 5D6 points of sonic damage and leaves any creature in
the area enraged, attacking any creatures it detects nearby (as the
"attack nearest creature" result of the confused condition)
for 2D6 rounds. A successful Will Save (DC 19) reduces the damage by
½ and negates the rage. The I've Had it With cannot breach an area
of magical silence.
Str 23, Dex 17, Con 19, Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 21
Base Atk +9; CMB +15; CMD 28
Dodge, Iron Will, Power Attack, Combat Reflexes, Stand
Intimidate +17, Knowledge (planes) +12, Perception +12,
Sense Motive +12, Perform +17 (+20 w/ instrument), Stealth +15
Languages: Any that the host knew.
Environment: Any
Organization: solitary, pair, or band (3–6)
Treasure: Musical Weapon – 2 Handed Club
(Simple Weapon) that does 2D6 damage and acts as a masterwork
instrument and does +2D6 damage to individuals attacked that are
authority figures for the area the attacker is currently in (guard,
manager, rightful ruler, etc..)
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A really quick picture I made. Art By: Me |
/ OSR / LotFP
Type: Outsider
Size: Medium
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Booze, Cigarettes, and Bad Food
Intelligence: Normal Human
Treasure: None
Alignment: Chaotic (Neutral)
No. Appearing: 1-4
Armor Class: 20 / 0
Movement: 40 ft
Hit Dice: 9 (+9 HP)
THAC0/To-Hit: 11 / +9
No. of Attacks: 2 Slams or 2 Musical Weapon
Damage: Slam: 1D6+3, Weapon Smash:
1D10+3 (+1D8 damage to individuals attacked that are authority
figures for the area the attacker is currently in (guard, manager,
rightful ruler, etc..))
All Saves: 12
Special Abilities:
Infra-Vision: 60
Factory City Calling 4/Day:
Slamming their musical instrument over the head of an authority
figure, the rebellion conceptual smites the individual. This ability
only works against an authority figure for the area (guard, manager,
rightful ruler, etc..). This ability adds +3 to-hit and +4 to damage
and may use this ability as part of a normal attack.
The Puking Song 4/Day:
Striking the ultimate 'brown-note' the sends a sickening wave of
sound that strikes the body leaving bruised and sickened. The wave
has a 30ft cone-shaped burst that does 3D6 points of sonic damage and
leaves any creature in the area Nauseated (Unable to do anything but
move and defend) for 2D6 rounds. A successful save versus Spell
reduces the damage by ½ and reduces the Nauseated condition to
Sickened (-/+2 to all rolls and AC). The Puking Song cannot breach an
area of magical silence.
Bad Brain 4/Day:
Strumming / Beating Out / Screaming a confusing set of tones and
notes, the conceptual sends out a wave of mind bending sounds. The
wave has a 30ft cone-shaped burst that does 3D6 points of sonic
damage and leaves any creature in the area Confused (As per the
Confusion spell) for 2D6 rounds. A successful save versus spell
reduces the damage by ½ and negates the Confusion. The Bad Brain
cannot breach an area of magical silence.
I've Had it With 4/Day:
Braying out notes of rage and frustration, the conceptual sends out a
wave of pure anger at its opponents. The wave has a 30ft cone-shaped
burst that does 3D6 points of sonic damage and leaves any creature in
the area enraged, attacking any creatures it detects nearby (as the
"attack nearest creature" result of the confusion spell)
for 2D6 rounds. A successful save versus spell reduces the damage by
½ and negates the rage. The I've Had it With cannot breach an area
of magical silence.
Musical Weapon – 2 Handed Club that does 1D10
damage and acts as a masterwork instrument and does +1D8 damage to
individuals attacked that are authority figures for the area the
attacker is currently in (guard, manager, rightful ruler, etc..)
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