Saturday, November 26, 2016

Architecture is reaching out for the truth

Temple of the Maimed Sage. Art Kinda By: Me

Art Kinda By Me: Anything with this in its caption means that I used various photographs (all copyright free) to create basic outlines, that I then put together to make a new picture. I then add details and color to create a new piece. All the pictures I use are public domain, meaning that I am not robbing models or photographers to make my art.

Neur, Poel (6M – 211). On Infinite Vistas: An Examination of Nature and the Infinite City. Infinite City: Endreso Publishing. Pg. 15

J.L. Borges was the first, of many scholars, to look at the City critically, rather than site of commerce and habitation to exploit. It was his theory, now considered to be a fact by the City Works Agency, that the city is actually an infinite parade of possible cities.

If one were to examine each neighborhood cell, their layouts, architecture, and apparent purpose any observer could easily note that the no two were the same. Some might be close variations upon one another, but one will never find an exact duplicate.

Each neighborhood cell has its own unique aspects to it, whether it is a unique form of architecture or a singular layout, they form a point on an infinite urban tapestry. Some fine examples of singular neighborhood aspects:

Yes, that's my head. Art Kinda By: Me

Choirton: All the structures in this neighborhood cell have humanoid forms, from head-shaped houses to cathedral colossi straddling the roads. The structures all have an architectural quality, still unknown exactly, of creating a quiet voice-like harmony of notes, as if the entire neighborhood was singing. This singing only occurs during instances of strong winds, making it a seldom heard event.

Silver Road: Home of the finest silversmiths and minters in the city, the layout of the streets possesses an interesting quality. If one walks all of the streets in the correct order and direction, they can [REDACTED FOR PUBLIC SAFETY].

High Pool: The streets of this neighborhood cell are water filled canals, with only narrow alleyways to connect blocks via land-routes. A number of fish species in those canals which can be found nowhere else in the world.

Dhariva Estates (The Estates): This neighborhood cell has both a claim to fame and infamy. It is the only neighborhood cell, that is currently known of, that is one continuous structure. With 163 floors, and a labyrinth of corridors and arcades, the Estates has become a slum where criminal elements congregate. Due to the large size, and transient population, this area bears the infamy of being one of the most dangerous (due to criminality) in the entire Infinite City. While there are no official records of people finding the outside of Dhariva Estates, a number of rumors claim that [Redacted For Public Safety].

Futurist Architecture. Art By: Antonio Sant'Elia

Architecture / Building Generator
This generator can help you create a semi-detailed description of a building based on: shape, roof type, main structure construction, roof construction, size, and architectural style. The generator uses D3's, D4's, D6's, D8's, D10's, and D12's. While there are a near endless amount of architectural styles, I tried to include some common one's as well as some that are over looked (such African styles). For the size table, the number of levels is up to you, I just included some random generation rules in case you don't care if the building is tall or sprawling.

Basic Shape – 1D10
  1. Rotunda (Round)
  2. Elliptical
  3. Ziggurat (Don't Roll on Roof Table. Click Name for Term Info)
  4. Pyramid (Don't Roll on Roof Table)
  5. Pentagonal
  6. Rectangular
  7. Triangular
  8. Spire / Cone
  9. Organic (See Organic Table)
  10. Crystalline* (Will have a number of angular branching structures based on size)

*Crystalline: Structures with crystalline forms are polygons with hard edges and flat surfaces, similar to naturally formed crystals. 

Organic Shapes – 1D4
  1. Humanoid (1. Head 2. Arm 3. Torso 4. Leg 5. Hand 6. Foot)
  2. Animal (1. Canine 2. Feline 3. Bovine 4. Lapine [Roll on humanoid part chart])
  3. Tree (Will have a number of branches depending on size)
  4. Amoeboid (Stacked Bulbous Shapes)

    Western Roof Types
Roof Types – 1D12
  1. Flat
  2. Lean – to
  3. Hip
  4. Gable
  5. Cone
  6. Dome
  7. Gambrel
  8. Mansard
  9. Irimoya
  10. Kirizuma
  11. Hogyo
  12. Yosemune

Japanese Roof Types

Main Structure Construction Material – 1D8
  1. Stick/Wood
  2. Rammed Earth
  3. Mudbrick / Mud
  4. Stone
  5. Thatch
  6. Metal (Usually Steel or Iron)
  7. Cement
  8. Strange / Futuristic Material

Strange / Futuristic Construction Material – 1D6
  1. Artificial Diamond
  2. Carbon Nanotubes
  3. God Stone (Taken from the bones of dead or sleeping gods)
  4. Synthetic Spider Silk
  5. Leng Spider Silk
  6. Plastic
Architectural style of the Lunda People.

Roof Construction Materials – 1D6
  1. Tar Paper
  2. Shingle (1. Wood 2. Asphalt 3. Slate 4. Clay [1D4])
  3. Metal (1. Galvanized Steel 2. Aluminum 3. Copper [1D3])
  4. Ceramic Tile
  5. Concrete
  6. Mud

Building Size – 1D6
  1. Small: 1D10 x 100 Sq Feet. 1 Level Trees/Crystalline: 0 Branches
  2. Medium: 1D10 x 1000 Sq Feet. 1D4+4 Levels Trees/Crystalline: 1 Branch
  3. Large: 1D10 x 10k Sq Feet. 1D10+10 Levels Trees/Crystalline: 1D3 Branches
  4. Huge: 1D10 x 100k Sq Feet. 1D20+20 Levels Trees/Crystalline: 1D6 Branches
  5. Gargantuan: 1D10 x 1 Million Sq. Feet. 1D100+100 Levels Trees/Crystalline: 1D8 Branches
  6. Colossal: 1D10 x 10 Million Sq Feet. 1D100 x 100 Levels Trees/Crystalline: 1D10 Branches

Shikumen Style.

Architectural Style – 1D12 (Click Term for More Info)

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Home is where the mind is

I colored it so that it had more a of magic-marker look. Art Kinda By: Me
Art Kinda By Me: Anything with this in its caption means that I used various photographs (all copyright free) to create basic outlines, that I then put together to make a new picture. I then add details and color to create a new piece. All the pictures I use are public domain, meaning that I am not robbing models or photographers to make my art.

This is a house that I plan on using for my upcoming post about architecture in the Infinite City. It is actually my head that I used as a base for the 'head house'.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

I dream my painting and then paint my dream

Weirdo Smiler Woman. Art Kinda By: Me

Art Kinda By Me: Anything with this in its caption means that I used various 19th century photographs to create basic outlines, that I then put together to make a new picture. All the pictures I use are public domain, meaning that I am not robbing models or photographers to make my art.

So, I have been working on an over painting technique where I make outlines using old photos, the put the outlines of the pieces I wanted together to make the picture. This one is of a strange Smiler woman. It's messy looking, but I like the look of messy sketches. I am not giving up on my collages, but I wanted to try out new forms of art that is accessible to someone like me. Let me know what you think.

Don't remember the Smilers? : LINK

Thursday, November 17, 2016

War may be an armed angel on a mission (Pathfinder)

Blessed angels, thy mercy is sweet. Art By: Edmund Dulac

Pictures Mangled by Me: Any picture with this in its caption means it is a collage I made using 19th and early 20th century illustrations. All these illustrations are public domain, meaning I didn't rob anyone by using these pictures for my own gains.

Author's Note: This is the second Hound of Saint Jasper, I may make another, but there are other ideas I need to work out.

Oh loyal one,
He of the pack and the family,
Watch over me for danger is near,
I see the shadows of my pursuers,
I hear the echoes of their steps,
Find me before their hunt is finished,
Bear the weight of their animosity,
For I cannot bear it myself.
- Prayer of the hunted to Saint Jasper

Only the dark fears the light. Art By: Gustave Dore

Volentine, Bergan (6M – 280). A Catalogue of Paranatural Beings; Conceptuals. Infinite City: Poete House of Publishing. Pg. 103

... Which brings us to the unique character of Saint Jasper. Being unestablished in the theophysical realms, there is confusion as to where Saint Jasper resides, if he resides anywhere at all.

It is possible that Saint Jasper is a sentient thought-form , not a deity at all. This thought-form more than likely takes residence in one of the protean meta-matter realms. The Hounds of Saint Jasper are merely aspects of Saint Jasper, that he splits from himself before shaping their bodies from the matter of his meta-matter realm before sending it into the prime realm in which we reside.

This, of course, is merely conjecture. What is known is the level of power that his servants, especially Canis Sophia Aeon (Bright Hound), one of the more powerful. While Canis Hylic Aeon (Tar Wolf) exhibits the raw power of physical matter, it is Canis Sophia Aeon (Bright Hound) that controls the raw power of arcane forces.

Fear not dear child for the angels are with thee. Art By: Gustave Dore

A guardian of Saint Jasper's faithful, it has only been documented as moving singly, without the support of a pack. Undoubtedly, their innate control over arcane and miraculous forces makes traveling in a pack superfluous.

... They take the form of a pony-sized, white mastiff with a human head, blank faced. Rather than the normal physical characteristics of a face, they possess three sets of eyes, with prismatic wings growing from its left and right sides. Strange pictograms, glowing with varied hues, play across its white fur, seeming to match its moods. The only piece of clothing they are known to wear is a crown-like headdress, with an eyeless face at its front that speaks with the creature's voice.

Focusing on protection, healing, and divine wrath, it is rare for a Canis Sophia Aeon (Bright Hound) to come into direct physical conflict. The signs of their use of divine abilities can be found in their three sets of eyes and the luminosity of their fur.

As with the other 'hounds', they are want to quickly leave an area once their purpose is finished. It is unknown if this is due to their presence being in high demand, or if their existence drains the potency of Saint Jasper...

A hound of light and justice. Pictures Mangled By: Me

A canine form, white fur casting an illuminating aura, heralding its coming. As large as a wagon, it pads closer with a grace that defies size. A humanoid head, faceless, three sets of eyes that cast their own subtle radiance, feathered prismatic wings emerging from each side of the head. Stylized pictures dance across its radiant white sides, color, shape, and movements corresponding to the creature's mood. Atop its head, a turban-like crown, an eyeless golden face smiling serenely. Speaking in a feminine voice, it states, “I am the mercy and protection of Saint Jasper, here to give His favor to the Faithful.”

Saint Jasper's Blessed Hound of Protection / Bright Hound / Trippy Dog
CR: 10
XP: 9,600
NG Large Outsider
Initiative: +5;
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Low-light vision; Perception +20

AC: 24, touch 11, flat-footed 22 (+2 Dex, +13 natural, –1 size)
HP: 114 (12d10+48)
Saves: Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +13

Speed: 60 ft., fly 120 ft. (Average)
Ranged – All Touch Attacks w/ 100 ft. Range
Red Ray: +14 (1D12 Fire)
Green Gaze: +14 (2D6 Acid)
Lavender Lance: +14 (3D4 Lightning)
Space: 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks - DC = 10 + ½ HD + Ability Mod
Saint Jasper's Halo: The hound emits a nimbus of white light to surround it and its allies. Up to 5 individual's of the Hound's choice, including itself, receive a number of benefits when within 20 ft of it:
+3 to AC
+3 Bonus to All Saves
+3 Bonus to Attacks and Damage

Radiant Tone: The face on the Hound's crown emits a single perfect note, creating a wave of prismatic energy. Striking all targets in a 70ft cone, the note does 6D6 sonic damage. Those caught in the cone may make a Reflex save (DC 18 Dex Based) for ½ damage. Targets that fail their Reflex save must also make a Fortitude save (DC 20 Con Based), or be deafened for 1D6+1 rounds. The hound may use this ability once every 1D3 rounds.

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12th)
Constant: Tongues, Detect magic, See invisibility, Comprehend Languages
At Will: Bless, Light, Remove Fear, Cure Light Wounds, Detect Evil
3/Day: Hold Person, Enthrall, Augury, Silence 15' Radius
2/Day: Call Lightning, Stone Shape, Dispel Magic, Remove Curse
1/Day: Confusion, Charm Monster, Lesser Globe of Invulnerability, Ice Storm
1/Week: Atonement, True Seeing, Raise Dead

Str 25, Dex 15, Con 19, Int 18, Wis 21, Cha 19
Base Attack: +12
CMB: +20
CMD: 32 (36 vs. trip)
Feats: Combat Casting, Hover, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Skills: (* = Class Skill) *Bluff +19, *Diplomacy +19, *Fly +15, *Intimidate +19, *Knowledge (Planes) +19, *Perception +20, *Sense Motive +20, *Spellcraft +19, *Stealth +13
Languages: Comprehend Languages and Tongues
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary
Treasure: Double

War may be an armed angel with a mission (OSR)

Oh sweet angels, thy mercy is perfection. Art By: Edmund Dulac
Pictures Mangled by Me: Any picture with this in its caption means it is a collage I made using 19th and early 20th century illustrations. All these illustrations are public domain, meaning I didn't rob anyone by using these pictures for my own gains.

Author's Note: This is the second Hound of Saint Jasper, I may make another, but there are other ideas I need to work out.

Oh loyal one,
He of the pack and the family,
Watch over me for danger is near,
I see the shadows of my pursuers,
I hear the echoes of their steps,
Find me before their hunt is finished,
Bear the weight of their animosity,
For I cannot bear it myself.
- Prayer of the hunted to Saint Jasper

Darkness must always be opposed by light. Art By: Gustave Dore

Volentine, Bergan (6M – 280). A Catalogue of Paranatural Beings; Conceptuals. Infinite City: Poete House of Publishing. Pg. 103

... Which brings us to the unique character of Saint Jasper. Being unestablished in the theophysical realms, there is confusion as to where Saint Jasper resides, if he resides anywhere at all.

It is possible that Saint Jasper is a sentient thought-form , not a deity at all. This thought-form more than likely takes residence in one of the protean meta-matter realms. The Hounds of Saint Jasper are merely aspects of Saint Jasper, that he splits from himself before shaping their bodies from the matter of his meta-matter realm before sending it into the prime realm in which we reside.

This, of course, is merely conjecture. What is known is the level of power that his servants, especially Canis Sophia Aeon (Bright Hound), one of the more powerful. While Canis Hylic Aeon (Tar Wolf) exhibits the raw power of physical matter, it is Canis Sophia Aeon (Bright Hound) that controls the raw power of arcane forces.

Fear not dear child, for the angels are with thee. Art By: Gustave Dore

A guardian of Saint Jasper's faithful, it has only been documented as moving singly, without the support of a pack. Undoubtedly, their innate control over arcane and miraculous forces makes traveling in a pack superfluous.

... They take the form of a pony-sized, white mastiff with a human head, blank faced. Rather than the normal physical characteristics of a face, they possess three sets of eyes, with prismatic wings growing from its left and right sides. Strange pictograms, glowing with varied hues, play across its white fur, seeming to match its moods. The only piece of clothing they are known to wear is a crown-like headdress, with an eyeless face at its front that speaks with the creature's voice.

Focusing on protection, healing, and divine wrath, it is rare for a Canis Sophia Aeon (Bright Hound) to come into direct physical conflict. The signs of their use of divine abilities can be found in their three sets of eyes and the luminosity of their fur.

As with the other 'hounds', they are want to quickly leave an area once their purpose is finished. It is unknown if this is due to their presence being in high demand, or if their existence drains the potency of Saint Jasper...

Sweet guardian of light. Pictures Mangled By: Me

A canine form, white fur casting an illuminating aura, heralding its coming. As large as a wagon, it pads closer with a grace that defies size. A humanoid head, faceless, three sets of eyes that cast their own subtle radiance, feathered prismatic wings emerging from each side of the head. Stylized pictures dance across its radiant white sides, color, shape, and movements corresponding to the creature's mood. Atop its head, a turban-like crown, an eyeless golden face smiling serenely. Speaking in a feminine voice, it states, “I am the mercy and protection of Saint Jasper, here to give His favor to the Faithful.”

Saint Jasper's Blessed Hound of Protection / Bright Hound / Trippy Dog
OSR / AD&D / LotFP
Type: Outsider
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: The faith of the followers of Saint Jasper.
Intelligence: Superhuman (Always heard in the listeners' primary language)
Treasure: Whatever is judged appropriate by the DM
Alignment: Neutral Good
No. Appearing: 1
Armor Class: 21 / -1
Movement: 60 ft (Walking) / 120 ft (Flying)
Hit Dice: 11+11
THAC0/To-Hit: 9 / +11
No. of Attacks: 3 (Ray/Gaze/Lance of Light)
Damage: Red Ray (3D4 Fire), Green Gaze (2D6 Acid), Lavender Lance (1D12 Electricity) - Max Range for All: 300 ft w/ No Range Penalty.
All Saves: 10
Spell Resistance: 30%
Experience: 3,000
Special Abilities / Attacks -
Saint Jasper's Halo: The hound emits a nimbus of white light to surround it and its allies. Up to 5 individual's of the Hound's choice, including itself, receive a number of benefits when within 20 ft of it:
+/- 3 to AC
+3 Bonus to All Saves
+3 Bonus to Attacks and Damage

Spells -
Caster Level Equal to Hit-Dice
At Will: Bless, Light, Remove Fear, Cure Light Wounds
3/Day: Hold Person, Know Alignment, Augury, Silence 15' Radius
2/Day: Call Lightning, Stone Shape, Dispel Magic, Remove Curse
1/Day: Confusion, Charm Monster, Minor Globe of Invulnerability, Ice Storm
1/Week: Atonement, True Seeing, Raise Dead

Radiant Tone: The face on the Hound's crown emits a single perfect note, creating a wave of prismatic energy. Striking all targets in a 70ft cone, the note does 7D6 force damage (the same type as a magic missile). Those caught in the cone may make a save versus Breath for ½ damage. Targets that fail their save versus Breath must also make a save versus Paralysis, or be deafened for 1D6+1 rounds. The hound may use this ability once every 1D3 rounds. 

Fear not the alleys, for the protection of Saint Jasper is with thee. Art By: Edmund Dulac

Pits and Perils
Attacks: 3 – Range 300 ft, No Range Penalty
Red Ray: Fire Damage
Green Gaze: Acid Damage
Lavender Lance: Electricity Damage
Level: 6 (Always speaks in the native language of the listener)
Move: 60' (Walking) / 120' Flying
Size: Large
Side: N
Special Abilities / Attacks -
Saint Jasper's Halo: The hound emits a nimbus of white light to surround it and its allies. Up to 5 individual's of the Hound's choice, including itself, receive a number of benefits when within 20 ft of it:
Negates 1 Hit of Damage a Round
+1 Bonus to All Save Rolls
+1 Bonus to Attack Rolls

Spells -
Caster Level Equal to Monster Level
At Will: Glow
2/Day: Bolt, Stun, Heal
1/Day: Ruin, Link, Ward

Radiant Tone: The face on the Hound's crown emits a single perfect note, creating a wave of prismatic energy. Striking up to 3 man sized targets in 60 feet for 2D6 hits of electricity. Those caught in the cone may make a save for ½ damage. Targets that fail their save versus Breath must also make a save, or be deafened for 3 rounds. The hound may use this ability once every 1D3 rounds. 

No matter the place, the eyes of Saint Jasper are upon you. Art By: Remedios Vero
Into the Odd
Str: 16 Dex: 16 Will: 17 HP: 14 Armor: 2
Driven to protect the faithful of Saint Jasper. They move at twice the speed of a human and fly at four-times the speed of a human running.

All Ranged Attacks -
Red Ray: 1D8 (Fire)
Green Gaze: 2D4 (Acid)
Lavender Lance: 1D6+2 (Electricity)

Saint Jasper's Halo: The hound emits a nimbus of white light to surround it and its allies. Up to 5 individual's of the Hound's choice, including itself, receive a number of benefits when within 20 ft of it:
+1 Armor
+2 Bonus to All Saves
+3 Bonus to Damage

Illuminate Matter: Cause an object no larger than a fist to glow with a white light.

Blind the Wicked: Target must pass a Will save or is Blinded until the Hound lifts the curse or they have a full rest. Blinded individuals may require a Dex save to carry out other actions that rely on sight, and their attacks are Impaired.

Confound the Wicked: Target must pass a Will save or repeat their current action until the Hound says to stop, or they pass the Save on their turn.

Radiant Tone: The face on the Hound's crown emits a single perfect note, creating a wave of prismatic energy. Striking all targets in a 70ft cone, the note does 3D6 physical damage. Those caught in the cone may make a Dex save for ½ damage. Targets that fail their save must also make a Str save, or be deafened for 1D6+1 rounds. The hound may use this ability once every 1D3 rounds.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

From all sides the hell hounds barked furiously (Pathfinder)

Death and the maiden await those who might sin against the faithful. Art By: Odilon Redon

Pictures Mangled by Me: Any picture with this in its caption means it is a collage I made using 19th and early 20th century illustrations. All these illustrations are public domain, meaning I didn't rob anyone by using these pictures for my own gains.

Author's Note: Here is stats and a pic of a new monster, made in honor of a faithful dog who was killed recently. He was stolen from his yard, a rope tied around his neck, then shot in the head. The neighbor felt that the dog was a nuisance, thankfully it is highly illegal to do this, and the police have been notified and are looking into the matter. A friend of mine knew him, his name was Jasper, and he will be missed.

Oh loyal one,
He of the pack and the hunt,
I have been trespassed against,
Tear from my tormentors their flesh,
Oh loyal one please avenge me,
Bear for me this yoke of vengeance,
For I cannot bear it myself.
- Prayer of the Aggrieved to Saint Jasper.

The reign of the wicked will pass with the coming of the Hounds of Saint Jasper.

Encyclopedia Infinica – No. 4 Saints of the Street Church
The Infinite City is not merely a gathering of people and cultures, it is also a meeting place of countless cultures. Cultures that can maintain their individual identities, or merge with one another to form a culture unique to the city.

While religions retain their purity in temples and cathedrals, they are intertwined and blurred on the streets into something completely 'other'. This other is a syncretic religion is most commonly referred to as the 'Street Faith'. A religion of countless gods, goddesses, and other beings granted sainthood and prayed to on a regular basis.

Which brings us to the faithful of Saint Jasper. This sub-cult within the greater construct of the 'Street Faith' is of note due to its focus on the figure of a dog raised to near-godhood. The origins of this sub-cult are obscure, as with the majority of the 'Street Faith' due to its dogma being spread solely by word of mouth.

Oh, kind hound, your loyalty is divine.

As with any faith, the cult of Saint Jasper contains its own set of frightening and comforting figures. Common terms applied to these figures across faiths are angels and demons. Though, as with any faith, this one contains its own terminology.

While there are many 'Hounds of Saint Jasper', the one most commonly invoked is a demon-figure called a Tar Wolf. This monstrous canine figure will avenge the injuries of those who belong to Saint Jasper's faith. Though this creature is not completely evil in itself, it is a fearsome figure meant to instill fail in the aggrieved and fear in the unjust.

These monstrous wolves gain their moniker from their peculiar form. Roughly the size of a small horse, their black fur slowly metamorphoses from hair to a tar-like substance as it nears the spinal ridge. Unnervingly, the “tar” drips upward, the perfect reverse reflection of what it would do if given the normal course of gravitation. This tar will slowly fade into oily smoke once it reaches a short height above the creature.

The punishments of Saint Jasper do not end with the passing from this world.

Its physicality is further demented by its overlong snout, and disproportional teeth. Lacking eyes, nose, or ears, it possesses a spare, but still disconcerting, appearance.

While the City neither affirms nor denies the possibility of claims made by any non-licensed church, it encourages its citizens to immediately report any sightings to the local constabulary. Remember, a faith is only worthwhile if it benefits the City, all other faiths are parasitic.

A being of teeth and vengeance. Pictures Mangled By: Me

As large as a wagon, form impregnated by shadow, a canine shape padding closer, growl rumbling within it like an avalanche. No eyes, nose, or ears, just a thin snout and over-wide maw, teeth like shovel blades, sharp as broken glass. Its fur is the dark of the void, becoming slick and protean near the top portions of the body, dripping upward and dissipating like an inverted reflection of ink in water. A voice like screams bubbling up from tar, “WHERE ARE THEY?”

Saint Jasper's Blessed Hound of Vengeance / Tar Wolf / Spooky Syrup Dog
Pathfinder / DnD 3.X
CR: 9
XP: 6,400
NE Large Outsider
Initiative: +6
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Perception +6
Butcher's Eye: The creature always knows how much more damage a target can sustain before they die. Any damage done by the creature can be reduced to avoid the death of a target. Tar Wolves revel in the pain of their prey, and will seek to prolong it as long as possible.

AC: 20, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+5 Dex, +6 natural, -1 Size)
HP: 80 (7d10+42)
Saves: Fort +11; Ref +10; Will +4
Weakness: Lowest of the Faithful (See Below)

Speed: 60 ft. and Flow the Form (See Below)
Melee: Bite +14/+9 (-1 size) (2D6+7 plus trip)
Ranged: Spit Tooth and Tar +11/+6 (-1 Size) (1D6+3) 100 ft.
Special Attacks: DC = 10 + ½ HD + Ability Mod
Billowing Etheric Tar: Once every 1D4 rounds, the creature can expel a cloud of etheric tar in a 40 ft. cone. Anyone caught in the cone takes 4D4 cold damage (Reflex Save DC: 18 for ½ damage [Dex Based DC]). Additionally, anyone caught in the area of effect must make a Will save (DC 15 Wis Based). A failed save results in the character(s) being effected as by a Slow spell as the tar binds and slows the soul of the target. The effect lasts for 7 rounds. Multiple uses of this effect only reset the duration of the effect, and does not compound the penalties given.

Agonizing Restoration: The creature may opt to use this ability after a successful touch attack (melee or ranged attacks may be used), rather than cause damage they heal their target while inflicting an incredible amount of pain. The target must make a Will save (DC 15 Wis Based), with a failed save resulting in them being paralyzed for 7 rounds. During this time they act as if under the effects of a Hold spell, unable to move due to the sheer agony they are experiencing, while their body knits itself together. Each round the character heals 1D6 points of damage. If the character takes damage while under the influence of this ability, the effect ends.

Why Healing?: The Tar Wolves delight in the torture of the guilty, and are reluctant to let it end due to the frailty of their target. They only kill their target if it presents a true danger to the Tar Wolf, or they have grown bored of its pain.

Str 24, Dex 21, Con 23, Int 19, Wis 15, Cha 15
Base Atk: +7;
CMB: +15
CMD: 30 (34 vs. trip)
Feats: Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Intimidation), Weapon Focus (bite), Improved Natural Attack (bite)
Skills: (* = Class Skill) Perception +12*, Stealth +11*, Intimidation +15*, Sense Motive +12*, Knowledge (Planes) +12*, Survival +12*, Bluff +10*, Diplomacy +10*, Acrobatics +15*, Escape Artist +12, Climb +13

Environment: Any
Organization: Single, Pair, or Pack (1D4+2)
Treasure: Standard

Flow the Form: The Tar Wolf can fit through any space that would allow liquid to flow through, and moves at a rate equal to ½ their movement speed. It takes a single round to unform or reform, during this period of time they are considered flat-footed and they are unable to make normal attacks, however, they can still use their other abilities.

Weakness -
Lowest of the Faithful: While vengeance is within the purview of Saint Jasper, it is considered the lowest of His domains. As such, the victim can call off the death and torture of the party who had wronged them, though this can only occur if the victim does this of their own free will. Furthermore, all the other Hounds of Saint Jasper outrank Tar Wolves and are able to command them as long as such commands do not violate the will of Saint Jasper. Despite being unable to disobey such commands, they do not enjoy it what so ever and make their displeasure known, whining in the case of a victim's command and bearing their teeth at other hounds.