Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Lost in the Kingdom of Memories

Lords and Ladies of memory and possibility. Art By: Me

Author's Note:
Holy crizzap, I actually wrote something and didn't just draw weirdo pictures. All the art here is mine. Wooo writing!

In plain language
A group of memory merchants buzz around the world(s) buying and selling memories, along with a selection of their own technology. Their city is a weird flying red baby that melts into a giant city of Brutalist architecture (Wiki Link). If this gets enough interest, I'll take the time to make more illustrations and write more. There is a lot more to these folks: what goes on in the baby's brain, the culture of the Mnemosits, how they copy memories and resurrect people, neon elementals, as well as the weird things they can do to reality and probability. I really would dig seeing what you folks out there in net-land thought about this thing. I've included all the art I've made so far for this thing as well as some concept/early versions of this place. In this post you'll find: prices/info about memory copying and printing, Tiled Armor (a new armor type), and Shard Shields.

I watched Fantastic Planet while drawing this. Art By: Me

Lost in this memory kingdom... (Fancy and Literary (Hopefully) Language)
Red fetal thing, floating through heights unreachable by means of wings and nature. A humanoid god-fetus, city sized, baby-faced mask blue and sleeping, red eye staring from forehead, as unsexed as a child's doll. Crimson skin pooling, rolling back and away in waves, detaching from the body like ribbons in the wind. Urban forms emerge from its back, stacked plaque-like upon one-another, cement structures in basic shapes. A city from the back of a child, alive with light and activity as any metropolis, tightly packed multitudes of innumerable variety. The thing's excrement is that of a city, belching smoke, expelling trash, eliminating sewage from out-flow pipes, and a comet-tail of red light bursting from strange mechanisms hidden within the city pile-up.

Packed within the mile-high urban stack are hallways and floors, the exact number arcane but to a few; uniform in height and width, squarely shaped, thresholds circular, their entirety cement construction. Bar, tubes, and bulbs illuminate these spaces, their light provided by racing beings, running their circuits through the city. Clouds of living light, elementals of neon, drugged into ecstatic luminosity by the city's current. 

Neon Elementals, so pretty, so blinding, so ELECTRIC!!! Art By: Me
These neon lives are played out in tubes, pipes, and ducts electrified by the firing synapses of the sleeping child. They obsess over the forms that race by on their endless trek to provide light to the city. Let out to primarily provide protection to the floating metropolis, from time to time they sneak from their confined spaces to sculpt their obsessions from light. Given the space to stretch, they enjoy taking the faces of the people they have glimpsed while running through city spaces.

Masters and tamers of the city, the Mnemosits direct the city in its aerial travels, stopping over communities to ply their wares. Memory merchants, they sell partial lives to the mundane folk visited by the Mnemosit city. Injectable, these basic memories, lacking in emotion, can grant skill and talent. Those memories filled with the identity are only copied for the purposes of resurrection-dubbing, a unique form of resurrection offered by the Mnemosits.

Lithe and androgynous, they bear similarities to the city-child; mask-like faces, skin that rolls off their hind-skull in ribbons and waves like water in the wind. Uncovered by blue skin, their skull gleams white, unburdened by meat. As the fetal-city's mask-face is blue, those of the Mnemosit are red. 

This was the second version I made of this drawing. I changed it after I figured out the color scheme. Art by: Me
This is but a grain, a passing reflection in water, there is more here than what has been written. There can be more to this place, an expansion of the story here, the only necessity an audience to listen and view...

The Sharing and Hording of Memories
The Mnemosits buy and sell non-identity memories that grant certain knowledge, skills, and talents. Using this system a person can buy and sell basic abilities granted to them by level (to-hit and skill ranks), however, by selling these abilities, they are permanently reduced in the selling character.

The Mnemosits usually buy memories for 50% of their market price, though with exceptional bargaining they can be talked as high as 75% and are “mysteriously” unable to go higher. 

I made this for a short story series I am working on that is based on this world. Art By: Me

Pathfinder / 3.X
Each skill point or attack bonus modifier sold permanently reduces the selling character's total. A character may not sell themselves into negative points/modifiers. A character purchasing points/modifiers permanently increases the total by the amount purchased. These purchased abilities are written memories into the character, and are unaffected by magic dampening effects.

Base Attack Bonus -
Maximum: A character may only have a total base attack bonus equal to their level.
Minimum: A character may only reduce their base attack bonus to +0 through sale.
Price Per Point: 15,000 GP

Skill Ranks -
Maximum: A character may only have a total number of skill points in any one skill equal to their level.
Minimum: A character may only sell skill points they actually possess, and may not sell themselves into a negative rating.
Price Per Point: 800 GP

LotFP / AD&D / OSR
Each skill point or attack bonus modifier sold permanently reduces the selling character's total, or permanently increases the character's total in the case of THAC0. A character may not sell themselves into negative points/modifiers, or above 20 in the case of THAC0. A character purchasing points/modifiers permanently increases the total by the amount purchased, or permanently decreases in the case of THAC0. These purchased abilities are written memories into the character, and are unaffected by magic dampening effects.

Base Attack Bonus OSR -
Maximum: A character may only have a total base attack bonus equal to their level.
Minimum: A character may only reduce their base attack bonus to +0 through sale.
Price Per Point: 15,000 GP

Base Attack Bonus LotFP -
Maximum: A character may only have a total base attack bonus equal to their level.
Minimum: A character may only reduce their base attack bonus to +0 through sale.
Price Per Point: 15,000 SP (Classes with Fighter to-hit progression) and 30,000 SP (All other classes). 

This is the first version before I decided on the color scheme. Art By: Me
Maximum: A character may only have a total THAC0 equal to 21 – their level.
Minimum: A character may only increase their THAC0 to 20 by sale.
Price Per Point: 15,000 GP

Skill Ranks (Skill Proficiencies) -
Maximum: A character may only have a total number of skill points in any one skill equal to their level.
Minimum: A character may only sell skill points they actually possess, and may not sell themselves into a negative rating.
Price Per Point: 600 GP

Skill Ranks (X out of 6) -
Maximum: 6.
Minimum: A character may only sell skill points to reduce the rating to a minimum of 1.
Price Per Point: 2560 GP (LotFP: SP)

Shields and Broken Glass
Looking like orbiting shards of glass hued in and black, red, and gray, they surround user in a blizzard of sharp edges. Those who attack user, if they aren't careful, can be cut by the shards surrounding the user. 

Yet another version of the same drawing. I redid the face and shading. Art By: Me

Pathfinder / 3.X
Benefits: They provide a +1 shield bonus. If an attacker critically fails to hit the user (roll of natural 1), the shield does 1D3 points of Slashing damage to the attacker.
Slot: Amulet (The shards emerge from, and return to, a large mirror like amulet).
Cost: 4,000 GP

OSR / LotFP / AD&D
Benefits: They provide a +1/-1 shield bonus. If an attacker critically fails to hit the user (roll of natural 1), the shield does 1D3 points of Slashing damage to the attacker.
Slot: Amulet (The shards emerge from, and return to, a large mirror like amulet).
Cost: 4,000 GP

Pits & Perils
Benefits: They provide a 1 HP shield bonus that refreshes at the end of every battle. If an attacker rolls 2 on 2D6, the shield does 1 Hit of Slashing damage to the attacker.
Slot: Amulet (The shards emerge from, and return to, a large mirror like amulet).
Cost: 6,000 GP

Into the Odd
Benefits: They provide a 1 point of bonus armor. If an attacker is Impaired while attacking the user, the shield does 1D3 points of Slashing damage to the attacker.
Cost: 40 Guilders

An example of tiled armor. As you can see, the Mnemosits wear pointy soled shoes. Art By: Me

Pieces of Protection
The Mnemosits have mastered the ability to construct armor using independent pieces that are not physically bound to one another. Held into the shape by a probabilistic field, a field of effect that manipulates the probability of the pieces always staying in an armor-like shape, despite the movement of the wearer. The armor may be made of any material, with the armor brought to the Mnemosits being subjected to a process unique to them.

Tiled Armor is a mass of shaped material that is constantly crawling and shifting over the wearer in a vaguely armor shape. This constant movement can confuse would-be attacker's ability to target the wearer, granting them an extra degree of protection. The probabilistic field is created through more 'spooky' quantum forces rather than magic, so it will continue to function normally despite magic dampening effects. Tiled Armor may enchanted normally as any other piece of armor. To be effective, the attacker must have some sort of mind in order to become confused.

Pathfinder / 3.X
Armor must be masterwork in order to be subjected to this process.
Benefits -
Light: +1 AC
Medium: +2 AC
Heavy:+3 AC
Cost to Modify-
Light: 3,500 GP
Medium: 7,000 GP
Heavy: 10,500 GP

OSR / LotFP / AD&D
Benefits -
Light: +/- 1 AC
Medium: +/- 2 AC
Heavy:+/- 3 AC
Cost to Modify-
Light: 3,500 GP
Medium: 7,000 GP
Heavy: 10,500 GP

Pits & Perils
Benefits: Increases the base difficulty to-hit the wearer by +1.
Cost: 10,500 GP

Into the Odd
Benefits: Increases the base armor protection by +1.
Cost: 20 Guilders

This is the original version of the first pic before I decided on a color scheme. Art By: Me

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