Saturday, November 26, 2016

Architecture is reaching out for the truth

Temple of the Maimed Sage. Art Kinda By: Me

Art Kinda By Me: Anything with this in its caption means that I used various photographs (all copyright free) to create basic outlines, that I then put together to make a new picture. I then add details and color to create a new piece. All the pictures I use are public domain, meaning that I am not robbing models or photographers to make my art.

Neur, Poel (6M – 211). On Infinite Vistas: An Examination of Nature and the Infinite City. Infinite City: Endreso Publishing. Pg. 15

J.L. Borges was the first, of many scholars, to look at the City critically, rather than site of commerce and habitation to exploit. It was his theory, now considered to be a fact by the City Works Agency, that the city is actually an infinite parade of possible cities.

If one were to examine each neighborhood cell, their layouts, architecture, and apparent purpose any observer could easily note that the no two were the same. Some might be close variations upon one another, but one will never find an exact duplicate.

Each neighborhood cell has its own unique aspects to it, whether it is a unique form of architecture or a singular layout, they form a point on an infinite urban tapestry. Some fine examples of singular neighborhood aspects:

Yes, that's my head. Art Kinda By: Me

Choirton: All the structures in this neighborhood cell have humanoid forms, from head-shaped houses to cathedral colossi straddling the roads. The structures all have an architectural quality, still unknown exactly, of creating a quiet voice-like harmony of notes, as if the entire neighborhood was singing. This singing only occurs during instances of strong winds, making it a seldom heard event.

Silver Road: Home of the finest silversmiths and minters in the city, the layout of the streets possesses an interesting quality. If one walks all of the streets in the correct order and direction, they can [REDACTED FOR PUBLIC SAFETY].

High Pool: The streets of this neighborhood cell are water filled canals, with only narrow alleyways to connect blocks via land-routes. A number of fish species in those canals which can be found nowhere else in the world.

Dhariva Estates (The Estates): This neighborhood cell has both a claim to fame and infamy. It is the only neighborhood cell, that is currently known of, that is one continuous structure. With 163 floors, and a labyrinth of corridors and arcades, the Estates has become a slum where criminal elements congregate. Due to the large size, and transient population, this area bears the infamy of being one of the most dangerous (due to criminality) in the entire Infinite City. While there are no official records of people finding the outside of Dhariva Estates, a number of rumors claim that [Redacted For Public Safety].

Futurist Architecture. Art By: Antonio Sant'Elia

Architecture / Building Generator
This generator can help you create a semi-detailed description of a building based on: shape, roof type, main structure construction, roof construction, size, and architectural style. The generator uses D3's, D4's, D6's, D8's, D10's, and D12's. While there are a near endless amount of architectural styles, I tried to include some common one's as well as some that are over looked (such African styles). For the size table, the number of levels is up to you, I just included some random generation rules in case you don't care if the building is tall or sprawling.

Basic Shape – 1D10
  1. Rotunda (Round)
  2. Elliptical
  3. Ziggurat (Don't Roll on Roof Table. Click Name for Term Info)
  4. Pyramid (Don't Roll on Roof Table)
  5. Pentagonal
  6. Rectangular
  7. Triangular
  8. Spire / Cone
  9. Organic (See Organic Table)
  10. Crystalline* (Will have a number of angular branching structures based on size)

*Crystalline: Structures with crystalline forms are polygons with hard edges and flat surfaces, similar to naturally formed crystals. 

Organic Shapes – 1D4
  1. Humanoid (1. Head 2. Arm 3. Torso 4. Leg 5. Hand 6. Foot)
  2. Animal (1. Canine 2. Feline 3. Bovine 4. Lapine [Roll on humanoid part chart])
  3. Tree (Will have a number of branches depending on size)
  4. Amoeboid (Stacked Bulbous Shapes)

    Western Roof Types
Roof Types – 1D12
  1. Flat
  2. Lean – to
  3. Hip
  4. Gable
  5. Cone
  6. Dome
  7. Gambrel
  8. Mansard
  9. Irimoya
  10. Kirizuma
  11. Hogyo
  12. Yosemune

Japanese Roof Types

Main Structure Construction Material – 1D8
  1. Stick/Wood
  2. Rammed Earth
  3. Mudbrick / Mud
  4. Stone
  5. Thatch
  6. Metal (Usually Steel or Iron)
  7. Cement
  8. Strange / Futuristic Material

Strange / Futuristic Construction Material – 1D6
  1. Artificial Diamond
  2. Carbon Nanotubes
  3. God Stone (Taken from the bones of dead or sleeping gods)
  4. Synthetic Spider Silk
  5. Leng Spider Silk
  6. Plastic
Architectural style of the Lunda People.

Roof Construction Materials – 1D6
  1. Tar Paper
  2. Shingle (1. Wood 2. Asphalt 3. Slate 4. Clay [1D4])
  3. Metal (1. Galvanized Steel 2. Aluminum 3. Copper [1D3])
  4. Ceramic Tile
  5. Concrete
  6. Mud

Building Size – 1D6
  1. Small: 1D10 x 100 Sq Feet. 1 Level Trees/Crystalline: 0 Branches
  2. Medium: 1D10 x 1000 Sq Feet. 1D4+4 Levels Trees/Crystalline: 1 Branch
  3. Large: 1D10 x 10k Sq Feet. 1D10+10 Levels Trees/Crystalline: 1D3 Branches
  4. Huge: 1D10 x 100k Sq Feet. 1D20+20 Levels Trees/Crystalline: 1D6 Branches
  5. Gargantuan: 1D10 x 1 Million Sq. Feet. 1D100+100 Levels Trees/Crystalline: 1D8 Branches
  6. Colossal: 1D10 x 10 Million Sq Feet. 1D100 x 100 Levels Trees/Crystalline: 1D10 Branches

Shikumen Style.

Architectural Style – 1D12 (Click Term for More Info)

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